Fraudsters are more sophisticated than ever—staying up to date on compliance can help limit exposure.

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Ever wonder what your rent money actually goes to? The National Apartment Association released a new study which breaks down where your rent money...

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Learn from hoarding disorder experts on how to best approach solutions at communities.

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Get ahead of the game by discovering the latest trends and ideas predicted for 2023 by top multifamily housing executives.

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Affordable and unique ways aplenty to engage residents this holiday season.

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Midterm Elections Weigh Heavy on the Apartment Industry

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While there is forward momentum in achieving the five-year plan to ease the burden of housing costs, the Biden Administration is also urging...

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On Tuesday, The City Council approved plans to build hundreds of new apartments in northern Colorado Springs, overturning a previous decision by the...

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A Florida Circuit Court denied a motion for temporary injunction in a case seeking to halt Orange County’s rent control ballot question.

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CPI, Latest Release, August 2022

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Nelson argues against the 1-to-100 ratio of onsite staff to apartments, writing that the time has come for the industry to embrace a different model.

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Here’s when the FCC’s ruling takes effect, and what you need to know about it. On March 28, 2022, the Federal Communications...

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